2024/2025 Miss Persis Studio Cotillion Enrollment

Registration for 2024/2025 Cotillion students will begin in May 1, 2024. We will mail information to any school providing us with information to do so. If your school is not listed, please call the studio for placement. Classes fill quickly and waiting lists will begin when one gender (boys or girls) outnumbers the other .

Enrollment is first come, first served with no preference being given to individual numbers of students from a particular school.

How to Enroll:

1.Download and fill out the registration form below. 

2. You can submit your form a few different ways:

  1. Mail it to the studio with a deposit of $125.00 OR
  2. Drop it off at the studio with a deposit of $125.00. We have a mail slot in our Main St. door OR
  3. Scan your form and EMAIL it to Info@MissPersisStudio.com. We will then call you for a credit card payment over the phone. 

For ALL Enrollments – enrollments will not be accepted until we have received a $125.00 deposit. 

3. After we receive payment, we will send out additional information before the first class.