In 1954...

Miss Persis Studio began in 1954 in an old three-story house located near the First Methodist Church of Arlington and then moved to downtown Arlington on Main Street.  Five years later, another move was made to the brand new Town North Shopping Center which became our home for some 40 odd years.  In 2004, we relocated to Main Street again in historic downtown Arlington.   It is our purpose to offer the highest standards of dance education for students of all ages and levels.

Miss Persis

We Wish You the Merriest

Miss Persis Studio performs dozens of  “Elf Shows” every December to nursing home and retirement facilities around the Metroplex. Learn about our “elfing” below!

Dance Classes

A variety of Dance classes are available at Miss Persis Studio. From traditional lessons in tap, jazz, and ballet to musical theatre, hip hop and lyrical, MPS has something for you.​

Miss Persis Studio Cotillion Class party

Cotillion Classes

Cotillion classes for sixth grade students are offered from September through April. Students meet for six sessions plus a spring party to learn all forms of social skills and dances. At the end of the year, we host a spring fling dance at the Bob Duncan Center.

Community Outreach

Miss Persis Studio is heavily involved in Downtown Arlington and around the Metroplex - from elf shows at nursing homes to performing at fairs and carnivals. The studio is the home to Dance Theatre of Arlington.

Thank You, Arlington!!

In 2015, we received the Community Engaged in Excellence Award of Appreciation from the City of Arlington

A Look at our History...